Dentist who do veneers near me

Coolamon Dental Centre
4 min readJun 14, 2021


Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells that cover the front surfaces of teeth to improve their look. They’re usually constructed of porcelain or resin composite materials and are glued to your teeth permanently.

Veneers can be used to correct a variety of aesthetic issues, including chipped, cracked, discoloured, or undersized teeth.

When a tooth is cracked or chipped, some people only need one veneer, but most individuals need six to eight veneers to achieve an equal, symmetrical smile. Veneers are most typically used on the upper front eight teeth. for more info visit the best dentist in Henley Brook today!

What are the different types of veneers?

Porcelain is the most frequent material for dental veneers. Traditional dental veneers require more prep work than alternatives, which are commonly referred to as “no-prep veneers.” These no-prep veneers, including Lumineers and Vivaneeres, take less time to install and are less intrusive.

Traditional dental veneers require grinding down the tooth structure and, in some cases, even removing a portion of the tooth beyond the enamel. This enables for correct installation, but it’s an irreversible technique that can be uncomfortable and frequently necessitates a local anesthetic.

On the other hand, no-prep veneers may need some tooth preparation or modification, but only minor changes. No-prep veneers impact the enamel rather than removing layers of the tooth underneath the enamel. No-prep surfaces don’t always require local anesthetics.

Veneers are not the same as crowns or implants. Veneers are thin shells that cover the front of the teeth. Implants, on the other hand, are tooth replacements that replace the complete tooth. Crowns also completely encapsulate the tooth, whereas veneers cover the front surface.

What Types of Problems Do Dental Veneers Fix?

Teeth that have become stained as a result of:

  • Root canal therapy tetracycline or other antibiotics Fluoride poisoning, big resin fillings, and other factors Teeth have deteriorated Chipped or damaged teeth are a significant source of embarrassment.
  • Teeth that are crooked, uneven, or have an irregular form Teeth that are spaced apart.

Dental Veneer Lifespan

Veneers have a lifespan of 7 to 15 years. The bodies would need to be changed after this period.

What are the factors of dental veneer costs?

There are many factors involved in determining the cost of dental veneers, including, but not limited to:

  • Professional fee — Dental veneer costs are affected by the expertise and equipment required to install veneers to your teeth.
  • Materials — The cost of dental veneers is partly decided by the number of veneers you’ll require. More material entails a higher price. Porcelain dental veneers are more expensive than resin veneers.
  • Location — Because rates vary from office to office and state to state, the cost of dental veneers is influenced by where you reside.

What to Know Before You Get Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-coloured shells that cover the front surfaces of teeth to improve their look. They’re usually composed of porcelain or resin composite materials and are glued to your teeth permanently.

Veneers can be used to correct a variety of aesthetic issues, including chipped, cracked, discoloured, or undersized teeth.

When a tooth is cracked or chipped, some people only need one veneer, but most individuals need six to eight veneers to achieve an equal, symmetrical smile. Veneers are most typically used on the upper front eight teeth.

What do you need to know about dental veneers?

Veneers are just an investment in yourself since a healthy mouth is essential to daily living. Consider that for a moment. Every day, you use your lips to eat, speak, and express emotions ranging from smiles to frowns.

Dental veneers can help you obtain a more attractive and healthier smile. Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or resin covering the front of your teeth permanently to get a more classic form if you have discoloured, chipped, or malformed teeth or gaps between them. If you’re embarrassed by the looks of your teeth and find yourself hiding your grin behind your hand or not smiling at all, veneers may be able to help you restore your confidence.

For more information, visit us at:

Coolamon Dental Centre — Dentist Henley Brook
Address: 56A Mornington Pwy Ellenbrook WA 6069
Phone: (08) 9296 9970
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Coolamon Dental Centre

Coolamon Dental Centre is your one-stop clinic for general dental care, cosmetic dentistry and affordable dental implants in Ellenbrook.