Guide to Titanium and Zirconium Dental Implants and What You Need to Know

Coolamon Dental Centre
4 min readDec 15, 2021


Zirconia Implants: Everything You Need to Know

A dental implant is to replace a missing tooth. However, the implant’s material is crucial. Zirconia implants are a cutting-edge technology for replacing missing teeth. However, zirconium is not commonly considered dental implant material by patients or dentists. Here are some of why zirconia is the best material for dental implants. For mor einformation visit today to learn more.

Affordable Ellenbrook’s Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Dentures aren’t the only option for restoring your smile. Dentures are frequently an annoyance, making eating and speaking more difficult. Dental Implants can help if you’re looking for a more comfortable alternative to dentures that require less maintenance. Dental implants are a natural-looking and -feeling alternative to dentures that we expertly provide. Dental implants are surgically implanted into the jaw, resulting in a beautiful new smile that requires no maintenance beyond brushing and flossing. We recommend dental implants to restore your smile unless you have significant jawbone damage.

What Are Zirconia Implants?

Zirconia, also known as zirconium dioxide, is a zirconium-derived material. It is made up of the elements zirconium and oxygen. Although zirconium is a metal, oxidation turns it into zirconia, a ceramic material. Because of its transitional metal status, zirconia combines the strength of metal with the heat-resistant power of ceramic.

Dental implants made of zirconia are ideal. It’s bioinert, meaning it won’t cause chemical reactions, spread to other parts of the body, or rust. That’s why it’s the non-metal titanium substitute. Its naturally white colour makes it an excellent option for patients.

Zirconia vs. Titanium Implants: Which Is Better?

Titanium is the most commonly used dental implant material today. Dentists have used titanium since the 1960s. These medical devices have a success rate of more than 90%. So, why do we require a substitute?

While titanium is more widely used in dental offices, this does not imply superior. Zirconia implants are cutting-edge. They have characteristics that titanium alloys do not. Zirconia implants also look better in your smile because of their white colour.

The use of titanium vs. ceramic dental implants is a contentious topic. In the end, it comes down to the patient’s preferences and the dentist’s recommendations. Zirconia implants, on the other hand, have several advantages.

The material’s properties account for most of the advantages of zirconia implants. On the other hand, metal has some potentially harmful properties that ceramic does not.

1. They’re Hypoallergenic

You won’t just get itchiness and inflammation if you develop titanium sensitivity or allergies. You may lose your implant. Fortunately, zirconia is a hypoallergenic material by nature. That is, you will not experience any negative side effects due to the surgery.

2. Zirconia Is Corrosion Resistant

Zirconia is a non-corrodible material. It’s bioinert, which means it won’t get into other parts of your body and cause problems. On the other hand, titanium has been shown to rust when exposed to water. The mouth, after all, is a very moist environment. Nearby materials, as well as some toothpaste, can cause titanium to corrode more quickly.

3. Zirconium Implants Are Very Strong

Zirconia is a hard, inflexible material that can withstand a lot of pressure. It’s for this reason that it’s an excellent material for dental implants. When you eat, your teeth must withstand the enormous force exerted by your jaw muscles. Zirconia teeth have the same strength.

However, I would be more cautious about placing these implants in the posterior, preferring the anterior instead until more long-term studies on posterior placement are available.

4. Integration With the Bone

How well dental implant bonds to the bone determines the success of dental implant surgery. There may be complications if the bone rejects the implant. Fortunately, zirconia has a solid track record when it comes to integration. Even the soft tissue surrounding the implant prefers zirconia to titanium.

5. Zirconium Helps With Plaque Buildup

Ceramic has a silky smooth surface. Without crooks and crevices, the plaque has a hard time sticking. Furthermore, zirconia is a non-polar material. As a result, bacteria are less likely to stick to it. Oral hygiene is cleaner and healthier with zirconium implants.

Who Is theIdeal Candidate for Dental Implants?

Because a dental implant must be placed with extreme precision, patients must choose a dentist who has the necessary skills and experience. Because implants are a surgical procedure, patients should inquire about the dentist’s experience and training before undergoing the procedure. Patients should seek treatment from specialists like oral and maxillofacial surgeons or periodontists.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Implant Failure?

Implants have had a high success rate in the past, but they do fail from time to time. Smoking, for example, raises the risk of dental implant failure. The bone may fail to fuse properly with the implant in rare cases. Other factors that may contribute to dentla implants failure includes:

  • Trauma Infection Implant quality
  • Patient’s well-being
  • Teeth clenching and grinding
  • Radiation to the head and neck
  • Oral hygiene issues
  • Bone quality and quantity
  • Experience of a specialist

Symptoms of dental implant failure might include:

  • Implants that are wobbly or feel loose
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Biting or chewing difficulties
  • Gums receding around the implant
  • Inflammation of the gums

Is the Feeling of Dental Implants the Same as Natural Teeth?

Dental implants have the same appearance, feel, and function as natural teeth. Dental Implants are the most effective option for a genuine smile that lasts a long time. Dental implants, unlike dentures, do not move around when patients eat or speak. Implants are made to fit snugly in a patient’s mouth and require the same level of maintenance as natural teeth.

For more information, please visit us at:

Coolamon Dental Centre — Dental Implants Ellenbrook
Address: 56A Mornington Pwy Ellenbrook WA 6069
Phone: (08) 9296 9970

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Coolamon Dental Centre

Coolamon Dental Centre is your one-stop clinic for general dental care, cosmetic dentistry and affordable dental implants in Ellenbrook.